Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick your Ass

By Meg Medina
Publisher: Candlewick Press

This book, scheduled to be out in March 2013, is a superb book addressing bullying in our school system. At first, the title draws you in and as you begin reading the first chapter, it continues to deliver. It depicts a slice of life that some of us can identify with; beginning a new school year and not being part of the ‘in’ crowd. To add to this disaster, a kid you don’t even know wants to ‘Kick your Ass.’ If this isn’t a formula for a good story, I don’t know what is.
Yaqui-Delgado-Wants-to-Kick-Your-AssThe author’s purpose is to bring bullying to the forefront and shed some light on this all too prevalent problem that is occurring in many schools. The story actually could be set in any school; any place, any city, any country. Unfortunately, bullying happens all too often in our society. Books such as this one, only help to make children understand the repercussions of inflicting pain (emotional and physical) and the dire effects it can cause.

Being a writer for kids of all ages, Meg Medina amazingly captures the thinking and actions of young adults in a high school setting. Although the book is written for a young adult audience, I found myself wanting to read more as I got to know the characters. Throughout the book, I found myself flinching as I experienced Piddy Sanchez’ apprehension, yet other times I was grabbing for the tissue box.

The book is written from a first person point of view and this works really well as it takes us into the sometimes not so rational thinking of Piddy Sanchez who is being victimized by Yaqui Delgado and her friends. The scenes and dialogue are all too real and the reader is quickly taken into that high school world of insecurities and awkwardness.

Although the author’s focus is on Piddy Sanchez, the intended victim, you can slightly identify with the bully as well. We won’t give the story away; however, it’s a powerful story with a message for all.

If you are the parent of a young adult, this is a book that should be on your children’s list to read. I can assure you that after they read this book, their outlook on bullying may be more in tune with those that may be singled out, outcast, or harassed. This is a great book to purchase.

Source: Book was provided by author for review. It was reviewed by Corina Martinez Chaudhry.

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