By Laura Lacámara
Translations by Cabriela Baeza Ventura
Illustrations by Laura Lacámara
Publisher: Piñata Books
The story is based on a child’s imagination, but also gives the reader knowledge and information about the environment and nature in Cuba, which makes this a great cultural learning experience for the child and the parent.
The author builds up curiosity as to what is inside Dalia’s hair. As the reader you quickly become interested to see what is building up on top of Dahlia’s head. This element is what makes it a page turner for the reader. It is full of excitement, is enchanting, and the illustrations compliment the story beautifully. The art is amazing and could be used for decor – a testament to the artistic nature of the book.
The language is just enough in that the young reader will not become bored with too many words, but yet carries the story forward with enough detail.
Because the book is bilingual, it adds more value to the book. It provides readers with another perspective of a different culture. If the child is Latino, it is that much more entertaining as this audience will be able to identify with the characters, the settings, and the names. If the child is not Latino, it introduces them to a culture that they may not be exposed to as well as a new language. What a great way to teach!
This children’s book should definitely be included into school curriculum’s across the country as it would be an asset for any classroom setting. Two words – Beautifully done!
Source: Book was provided by publisher for review. It was reviewed by Corina Martinez Chaudhry.