When Angels Fall

By Manuel A. Meléndez
Publisher: Aignos Publishing

As I read the book’s title, I assumed I would be reading a book full of suspense and the author delivered. I was immediately taken into a story filled with intrigue, a twist turning plot, and intricate characters that kept me biting my nails to the very end. Remember that old saying “don’t judge a book by its cover?” It this case, you must. The title is captivating and right in line with the rest of the book. I should have guessed as it appears that the author caught the writing bug by discovering Edgar Allan Poe at the age of twelve.

when-angels-fallI have to say that this book has all the characteristics of a great movie. The way the author interweaves the characters and the various clues on what will happen next is amazing. Just when you think you have it figured out, he takes you on another intense journey. Warning! You won’t be able to put the book down because the page turners are powerful.

With every character in the book (Mrs. Drucker, her husband, Ferdy’s brother, Annie, etc.), the author does a FANTASTIC job of making them multi-faceted and the reader will connect with each and every one of them. That’s the beauty to the story, and this is where the twists come in when you least expect them. The protagonist, Ferdy Muñoz, is your average next door neighbor – or so it appears. I won’t say more as I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you.

The author vividly captures the setting of a New York neighborhood, and its surrounding filled with true ambiance. You feel as if you are right there with each of the characters and you can picture it all in your mind. If the author’s intent was to grab the reader’s attention from the beginning, he did that and more. That intensity was carried throughout the book until the very end. It’s one of those stories that you want to get to the end to find out what happens, but you don’t want it to end because it’s so good.

The intended audience is definitely not for the faint of heart and it’s definitely for adults; however, if you like thrillers with supernatural overtones then you have to read this one. You will not be disappointed. The author’s style of writing is informal and the dialogue captures the characters exactly as you would imagine them to talk. The scenes are all essential and vivid in that they move the story forward – another reason why this story is so great.

So how did the book affect me? I have to admit that I couldn’t put it down, but in addition to this it made me think about the characters, the plot, and the suspense for days thereafter. It’s rare that I come across a book that leaves such an impact. So did the author achieve his goal of writing a great thriller? I would only answer, “Is the Pope Catholic?”

This is a diamond in the rough – a gem of a thriller – a brilliantly written book! What more can I say. If you haven’t yet read this book you must pick up a copy. You will not be disappointed. Actually, I will be reading it again because it is that good.

Source: Book was provided by author for review. It was reviewed by Corina Martinez Chaudhry.

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