freedom woman on ocean

We are the forgotten children,
los niños abandonados y olvidados.
But we were neither forgotten
nor abandoned by our own parents.
We are rejected by an unjust system,
un sistema racista e injusto.
We are treated like hardened criminals
and separated from our families.
Nuestras familias nos añoran.
Yes. Our families miss us.
Would you imprison or abandon
your own, innocent children?
Name the crimes we have committed!
Pedimos justicia y libertad
para vivir en la tierra de los sueños
porque ahora vivimos una gran pesadilla.
Yes. Name the crimes we have committed!
We only ask for justice and the freedom
to live in the land of reachable dreams
because now we only live a nightmare.
Nosotros tenemos un future

que tu sistema de justicia está destruyendo.
Yes. We have a future
that your Justice system is destroying.
We are prisoners in the land of liberty.
Somos prisioneros en la Tierra de la libertad.
We want to be united with our families.
¡Queremos unirnos con nuestra familia!
¡Queremos vivir libremente la libertad!
Yes. We want to experience freedom freely!
Isn’t that what America is all about?
Everything is earned,
but we didn’t earn the loss of freedom.
¿Por qué perdimos nuestra libertad?
We know about something called “Due Process.”
¿Qué pasó con nuestros derechos legales?
Muchos derechos son universales.
Yes. There are universal rights!
They were abandoned and imprisoned as well.
The bells of Liberty toll a solemn toll
for the forgotten children everywhere.

By Martina Robles Gallegos


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