Writing a self-help book can be a lucrative venture if done correctly. In this day and age you see a various collection of self help books from ‘how to take care of your pet’ to ‘tips on dating’ to ‘becoming an effective manager,’ etc. There are so many books written on just about every aspect of current life that it’s impossible to keep up with them all.
Some examples of mega sellers are books written by Stephen Covey, Dr. Phil McGraw, Susie Orman, and numerous others. These people not only sell their books, but they have also created various platforms to go along with their book products which enhance their bottom line.
Having the right credentials to writing a great self help book is the first step to being successful in this arena. If you don’t have the skill or the academic credentials to back you up, then you won’t get much traction in marketing your book. The first thing before you begin writing your book, is to make sure you understand your topic fully, or that you are an expert in a particular field. This will ensure that you audience sees you as a credible author.
Having the right credentials is not the only thing that is needed. You also need a killer idea that will capture attention. In addition, having a great title will set you apart from the rest of the pack. There are techniques of what you should or should not do when writing a self help book. We’ve provided some guidelines on how to get started. The trick is to stay focused and be diligent about putting out the best self help book ever.