Del suelo al ceilo

By Virginia Gift
Publisher: Palibrio

The book is beautifully written to capture a woman’s emotional and spiritual struggle after the dissolution of a 25 year old marriage. It takes the reader through the ups and downs of a tumultuous internal struggle and makes you feel as if you are on this journey with Mariana Casanova, the protagonist. The author, Virginia Gift, not only shows the sad and depressing side of the breakup of a marriage, but also uses lighthearted moments to bring the story together for the reader. In the end she shows that Mariana Casanova finds light at the end of this dim and twisting tunnel.

Del_suelo_al_cieloThe author begins at the beginning of the dissolution of Mariana’s relationship and takes the reader on a very realistic path of how the character tries to make sense of it all. The author brings in a few other characters such as Mariana’s three daughters, but with just enough weight to add to the story. They do not overshadow the main character.

The author’s purpose is to show that a woman can go through dire times in her life such as a 25 year breakup of a marriage and still survive. It appears that the story could be autobiographical in some form because it accurately captures the essence of emotional confusion and uncertainty. It would be difficult to capture this upheaval without experiencing some of this yourself in some form or another. A job well done by the author!

With this book, Virginia Gift sends a message to all women caught in this life situation to not despair because love can prevail in the end. The book is written as a fiction novel; however, it could very well be a self-help book because it captures the essence of a painful situation so naturally and would be an excellent guide. The intended audience is most notably women; although, the book could very well serve men in understanding the struggles of those left behind.

Virginia Gift’s style of writing is informal and very easy to read; although, it is written in Spanish. This is a good book and should be translated into English, or other languages for that matter, as it has a widespread appeal.

This book definitely gave me a new perspective on how a person can survive an ordeal of divorce when infidelity is involved. It gives inspiration that no matter how much the odds are against you, with strength and purpose you can move forward. Did the book achieve its goal? I would say that it did. At first, Mariana’s story is heartbreaking focusing on the husband’s affair and the breakup of the marriage, but then it tactfully flows into how she copes, endures, and eventually overcomes the odds to find happiness and love. A very good read!

Source: Book was provided by author for review. It was reviewed by Corina Martinez Chaudhry.

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